A Domingo Family Christmas
That day it snowed soo much!
Here is our wonderful meal cooked by amy
Here is the amazing christmas village built by jason and lauren(and kinda me)
Here is me, amy, and jason tryin them out. Here is me also making the little balls of cookies.
me and jan
amy loved the cookies
Okay so i got jason a devan hester bears poster and i got amy a ihome music thingy and then i got the both of them the season 2 of the office. there favorite!! then i got jan a madagascar poster because she loves giraffes, then a green santa blanket, and a notebook and sharpies. I also got Lauren some gifts but she didnt even make it to our family party. Then amy and jason got me my very own down blanket because i loved theres so much and they got jan the game in a pickle. So for the rest of the night we played the game in a pickle. it was a bunch of fun!
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