Thursday, February 28, 2008

4th Day Of Soccer

Today we had our 4th day of try-outs! it was HECK! we first had to run inside our school hallways for 10 minutes just for our warm-up. our school is hot in one hallway and cold in another so basically it sucks. but anyways after that we all stretched out. we broke up into 2 groups, and my group had to run the hallways first for 30 straight minutes... but my ankle wasnt taped and it really hurt so i had a coach taped it and it was the worst tape job ever.. but whatever. then the 2 groups switched and we had to do alot of these jumping things and then cruntchs, wall sits, ladders, sprints, and alot of other ab work outs. it was a great 2 hour work out! so we didnt even get to touch a soccer ball but we didnt have gym time today and theres about 6 inches of snow outside.... so i will have to just stick it through. anyways that was my soccer info for today!


Penny said...

Hey Katie...thanks for letting me camp out in your room this week. You are so sweet. I LOVE LOVE your blog entries. I look forward to checking it often. I'm back home and waiting on a call from Southwest...They lost my freaking luggage. Can you believe that? Sending SUNSHINE from TEXAS, it's 75 degrees.

Penny said...

Got the Call. My luggage is found. I commented on all your blog entries, be sure to check out what I said.